Scientists suggests that Aliens might not made contact with us because we are not Intelligent enough


A new solution to the Fermi paradox believes that aliens would only be interested in contact with the most technologically advanced planets.   Where are the aliens? Why didn't they contact us? A scientific paper offers a new solution to these questions, known as the Fermi Paradox.  Amri Wandel, an astrophysicist at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and author of the paper, concludes that the answer may be that  Earth and its inhabitants may not meet the expectations of a hypothesized advanced extraterrestrial civilization. According to his analysis, posted on the arXiv pre-publication server, if  life is found to have evolved on many planets in our galaxy, advanced aliens may be more interested in those with more advanced technology.   One question, many answers  Until now, experts have found other answers to Fermi's famous paradox. Some have suggested that aliens may have  visited Earth earlier, before humans evolved or could record the visit. Or maybe long-distance space travel is more difficult than we think, and aliens also don't have more advanced technology than Earth. Some theories also suggest that the aliens may have destroyed themselves. In a new paper, Wandel offers another possible explanation:  life is exceptionally common in the Milky Way. And if it turns out that the many  rocky planets and habitable zones of the galaxy  have life, it is more than likely that the aliens will not want to waste their resources sending signals to everyone and  avoid risk. If you are trying to interact with algae or microorganisms,  focus only on worlds with advanced technological features.

Maybe the message is still on its way  Technical signals can also be difficult to detect. The Earth began sending detectable signals from space in the form of radio waves as early as the 1930s. These signals could reach up to 15,000 stars, a fraction of all the stars in the Milky Way. In addition, says Wandel, it would take so long for the aliens' reply messages to arrive that we would not receive replies from stars less than 50 light years away from when Earth began sending transmissions into deep space. It wasn't until 1974 that we sent the first conscious high-powered broadcast to extraterrestrials with the Arecibo message, which was directed to the globular star cluster M13.  Therefore, the article does not rule out the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations  somewhere in the universe,  only their existence within  50 light years of us. Your response may be on its way and we may not have received it yet.

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